Description for Adiantum Raddianum, Maidenhair Fern
Adiantum raddianum also was known as maidenhair fern is one of the most popular ferns to grow indoors. Its common name comes from its shiny, dark leafstalks that resemble human hair. The houseplant that may be considered for bathroom areas and bright areas with some diffused sun. Hanging baskets, pots or containers.
Planting and care
Ferns do not produce flowers, therefore they cannot produce seeds. They reproduce with spores that form on the underside of the fronds. Propagating ferns with spores is a fun and fairly easy method of growing new ferns, but it can take 3-4 years to grow a mature plant.
Caring for Adiantum Raddianum
As with temperature, consistent humidity is very important.
Maidenhair Ferns prefer high humidity but do not like to be misted so placing them on a pebble tray filled with water is the best solution.
Be sure the plant is sitting on the pebbles and not in the water.
Dry air causes the leaflets on the fronds to shrivel.
Not defined
Typical uses of Adiantum Raddianum
Special features: Adiantum raddianum commonly called Delta maidenhair fern, and its cultivars are perhaps the most commonly grown of the non-winter hardy maidenhair ferns. Triangular, 3- or 4-pinnate fronds with dark stalks emerge from a dense rootstock of short, branching rhizomes.
Culinary use: NA
Ornamental use: The plant is used for the ornamental purpose.
Medicinal use: NA
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